Seems to me that it’s mostly revenge; dismantling any government agency that has ever thwarted him, or that the right wing does not like. But, I certainly don’t trust his motives…

  • Altima
    18 days ago

    I mean he literally fired the entire Tesla supercharger team because he had a disagreement with the team leader

      18 days ago

      I would have thanked him for doing it. Probably I am coming from a super-privileged place, but I’m not sure why all these engineers put up with this when he starts fucking with their work. If they are working at Tesla they can surely also work at other legendary places.

      I’ve walked away from really nice jobs because someone was asking me to put up with bullshit as part of my working day, and I wasn’t about it. I know Tesla is a nice fancy thing you can talk about, you get to work on great stuff, it means a lot to you, but if your boss starts treating you like you’re a dog turd and your opinions mean nothing, just walk to the exit. You will be happier than the people who tried to engineer a system to try to distract him so you all could keep making money for him unimpeded.