Seems to me that it’s mostly revenge; dismantling any government agency that has ever thwarted him, or that the right wing does not like. But, I certainly don’t trust his motives…
Now, don’t get me wrong, fuck Trump and fuck Musk.
That being said, It’s most likely more simple than a master plan for world domination. He’s removing protections for workers and consumers so he can cut corners, pay less, and make more money. Plain and simple.
He’s also stealing our tax dollars through government contracts. Trump does the same thing.
I once heard a talk by Bill Gates about his charity work through the Gates foundation. He described how he and Melinda had dedicated tens or hundreds of millions to causes. But the best money he could spend was in petitioning the government to join the cause. Because for all the wealth and power and notoriety held by the billionaire class, it was still a drop in the bucket compared to what world states could do. It’s a difference of orders of magnitude. The difference between a thousand dollars and a million dollars? That’s the same as the difference between a million and a billion. World governments operate in the trillions.
This is a coup.
Musk the Billionaire is small potatoes compared to Musk at the levers of government finance. It’s like a leaky faucet compared to a firehose. The one holding that firehose controls where it goes.
This is a coup. It is establishing an unelected oligarchy at the core of the Federal Government with the power to influence and manipulate policy, and execute unofficial policy through financial pressure. It’s not anything new to history, and it’s not 5-D chess. It is just people in power grabbing more power for themselves at the expense of all others including elected officials. In other words, a coup.
Apparently, at both SpaceX and Tesla, he had a habit of going around demanding random changes because he was convinced he was the smartest person on the planet and whatever he came up with 2 seconds ago was far better than what the seasoned engineer who had spent months designing it had come up with. They had to make a team of people to try to keep him away from useful work because it was so destructive to what they were trying to do. There is no plausible explanation for that, to me, other than that he genuinely believes his own hype.
He could literally have the best and most qualified people in the room with him to explain virtually anything he wanted, for unlimited time, any time he wanted. He doesn’t want that. He just wants to take some random bullshit he found on Twitter combined with his own prejudice about how things work, and act on it, taking pleasure in people getting upset about him not being supposed to do that.
I am sure there is more complex stuff at work than is obvious, but I think probably, a pretty huge chunk of it is just that he genuinely believes that the whole US government is fucking up because it’s staffed with morons, and he’s such a genius that he can fix it, and that’s what he’s currently doing. I do think there’s some pathology at work in why he’s so motivated to do it: He has insecurity about whether he is actually the smartest man on the planet, it creates unsettledness, and so he has to go out and take some drastic action to prove to himself that he is. Because would anyone but the smartest person do all this stuff? It’s unprecedented. And therefore, he is smart on an unprecedented level, as he always knew, and he doesn’t need to be unsettled. And then, the next day, the unsettledness returns.
I think most of it pretty simple. It’s just “never been told no” syndrome coupled with societal reward to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, an army of fans, a record of “success” on his resume, and so on.
I mean he literally fired the entire Tesla supercharger team because he had a disagreement with the team leader
I would have thanked him for doing it. Probably I am coming from a super-privileged place, but I’m not sure why all these engineers put up with this when he starts fucking with their work. If they are working at Tesla they can surely also work at other legendary places.
I’ve walked away from really nice jobs because someone was asking me to put up with bullshit as part of my working day, and I wasn’t about it. I know Tesla is a nice fancy thing you can talk about, you get to work on great stuff, it means a lot to you, but if your boss starts treating you like you’re a dog turd and your opinions mean nothing, just walk to the exit. You will be happier than the people who tried to engineer a system to try to distract him so you all could keep making money for him unimpeded.
If you believe the technocrat mumbo jumbo he’s fracturing central government into tons of little fifedoms that his billionaire buddies can rule. And hopefully while killing bazillions of people as some kind of a ‘market reset’ to drive up shareholder value.
Fucking terrifying.
A.k.a. purge. Like the Soviet kind.
It’s a purge.
Setting things up to allow him to become the world’s first trillionaire.
The important stuff is about crippling regulatory mechanisms, opening up huge government contracts, and dismantling workers rights. Everything else is just smoke and mirrors.
^ This answer. He wants the US Treasury for his own. But also, he knows money is just a way of keeping score. If he wants to accomplish great things, he needs a slave race working blindly for him. (Musk having been raised in South Africa, apartheid was a real thing. Small white ruling class with all the money over the black native population who were treated like dogs). His goal is to bring that here and D.T. will help him.
They are both broken people inside. Something is very wrong in there and I pray it gets fixed/better.
He’s taking control of the government payment systems so he control everything and take whatever he wants.
Also crashing the economy so he can buy companies at bargain bin prices.
He seemed highly focused on USAID initially. USAID is a means to assert soft power around the world through the influencing of hearts and minds.
Elon’s strong ties to Trump combined with this focus reek of Putin’s influence to me. He’s doing Russia’s bidding in deconstructing our government.
I think Musk is likely compromised in the same way Trump is. God, it must be some truly nefarious shit too.
It really must be bad, dude has no fucking shame at all. Uses his own kid as a human shield, and cant keep his breeding kink to himself
Musk isn’t compromised by Putin, there is nothing that Putin could have on him that would make any bit of difference. What Musk wants is to be the preferred rocket supplier for both the US and Russia. He already has the US, now he’s doing Putin’s bidding and will soon be building Starship launch pads in Crimea.
Your intuition is spot on.
Elon is gutting USAID because they were investigating him over starlink. Elon is gutting the government agencies that oversee electric car regulations and safety regulations. Elon is going after the SEC for investigating him. Elon is using the government’s databases to amass data to target political and business competitors and to further the far right propaganda campaigns as well as build list of deportees and political targets. Elon is gutting every TLA he can to ensure his taxes decrease and yours increase. Elon is tearing through decades of support and opportunity programs designed to help the less fortunate/less abled to live comfortably so he can live more comfortably.
Everything he’s doing, is for his own benefit and personal gain, to the extreme detriment of the entire country. He’s neither qualified nor elected. His actions should amount to treason, but they’re being enabled by a traitorous, treasonous, felonious criminal, the shittiest president this country has ever seen.
The country also let said traitorous, treasonous felonious criminal run a second time so we’ve failed as a country long before the past November 5th
Hard to argue with that. IDK why the fuck we can let a convicted felon run for the highest office when they’re barred from voting (state dependent, fuck you florida), or can’t own a firearm. The law literally prescribes they cannot be trusted. We can thank stacked scotus (i.e. trump) for this failure too.
You should see how up in arms the GOP is here in Missouri because there’s a felon working in the public defender’s office. He should run for president instead!
Securing power and increasing his profits. Easy.
Ketamine. He’s doing ketamine mostly, everything else is just stuff he hires someone else to do. So I guess hiring people whilst doing ketamine.
Elon is wiping out any opposition or oversight into what he does while he’s also gaining access to the inner workings of other companies whether they be rivals or potential takeovers. He will also use some of that information to get back at individuals that he has a grudge with.
It seems to me that what he did to Twitter was a dry run for what he is doing to the government. Buy it, gut it, and leave a useless shell populated by white supremacists.
Not revenge as much as financial motives. He wants less oversight on his business activities so he can make more money and be involved in fewer lawsuits and regulatory actions. There seems to be a broader motive to degrade the US and cause chaos and hardship, which I assume is other Republicans and influences like Putin. Some are probably favors to other interests - for instance, my guess about decreasing park rangers is probably to degrade parks and decrease attendance so they can justify drilling for oil or mining in national parks. The amount of money saved by slashing federal employment is trivial in terms of the budget, so it certainly isn’t that. One thing is that before the election they said they were going to specifically make sure that agencies were staffed with Trump loyalists at every level, so I’d bet when you hear there were cuts at the FDA and the staff said they seemed random, everyone who was fired voted for Democrats, had Democrat supporting social media activity, and so forth.
Doing whatever he can to become a trillionaire. So, devalue the dollar and remove obstacles to his businesses.
He’s Cartman. They’re all Cartman.