Seems to me that it’s mostly revenge; dismantling any government agency that has ever thwarted him, or that the right wing does not like. But, I certainly don’t trust his motives…

    18 days ago

    I once heard a talk by Bill Gates about his charity work through the Gates foundation. He described how he and Melinda had dedicated tens or hundreds of millions to causes. But the best money he could spend was in petitioning the government to join the cause. Because for all the wealth and power and notoriety held by the billionaire class, it was still a drop in the bucket compared to what world states could do. It’s a difference of orders of magnitude. The difference between a thousand dollars and a million dollars? That’s the same as the difference between a million and a billion. World governments operate in the trillions.

    This is a coup.

    Musk the Billionaire is small potatoes compared to Musk at the levers of government finance. It’s like a leaky faucet compared to a firehose. The one holding that firehose controls where it goes.

    This is a coup. It is establishing an unelected oligarchy at the core of the Federal Government with the power to influence and manipulate policy, and execute unofficial policy through financial pressure. It’s not anything new to history, and it’s not 5-D chess. It is just people in power grabbing more power for themselves at the expense of all others including elected officials. In other words, a coup.